Brady and Peck is a full-service governmental relations firm representing its clients before the Illinois General Assembly, the Illinois Governor’s Officer and the Illinois code departments.
The companies’ two principles are Michael I. Brady and Edward F. Peck. Together, they have more than 60 years of combined experience working in Springfield. Mr. Brady is a former member of both the Illinois Senate and the Illinois House of Representatives and has been a lobbyist for more than 30 years. Mr. Peck has served as a legislative analyst with the Illinois House of Representatives and for the past 16 years has worked as a lobbyist in Springfield.
While representing your organization, we’ll be in regular communication with you and keep you up to date on any developments.
Our Services:
Identify Ourselves as Your Lobbyist
We will make the contacts necessary with legislators and staff of the legislative, gubernatorial, and code department offices to establish ourselves as your representatives on legislative issues.
Assist With Drafting of Legislation
We will work with your organization to evaluate issues which can be pursued legislatively, and will assist with the drafting of legislation and identification of appropriate sponsors.
Communicate Regular Updates
We will provide a designated person(s) at your organization with copies of legislation, amendments, and conference committee reports related to your interests and any administrative provisions governing policy affecting your interests
Monitor and Track Legislation
We will review all introduced legislation of interest to your organization, help determine potential impact as well as your position on those bills and work with you to support or oppose them. This process will continue as amendments and conference committee reports are introduced to those bills.
Form Key Coalitions
Often the success of your organization’s position on legislation will depend on the ability to form key coalitions and alliances with other groups which share your interests. We believe this is often an important strategy and will advise you when such coalitions should be pursued.
Establish a Legislative Database
We will establish and continually update and accessible electronic database for the search and retrieval of legislation, amendments, and conference committee reports of importance to your organization.